Young Coders competition

It is an annual game design competition aimed to challenge students to program a game with a certain standard, which will challenge their creativity and curiosity to learn and master programming. Every year will be a different theme for the competition.

Time Line


Competition Overview


theme reveals


Sending Deliver Link


Start Deliver the Codes


End Deliver the Codes


Competition day





Competition Phases

The competition will be divided into 2 phases

  1. Before Competition Phase

    1. This Phase will start from the beginning of registration, it will review the constate progress for each team, and the final Code Review before competition. Review Each category Guide for more details

    2. 50 Point

  2. On-Competition Phase

    1. This Phase will start on the competition day, and it will consist from two different parts

    2. 250 Point

On-Competition Phase

  1. Section 1 (Pre-made Project)

    1. The teams will showcase their project to a panel of judges, delivering a presentation that highlights the key aspects of their code

    2. 150 Point

  2. Section 2 (On spot tasks)

    1. this section divided into 3 sections

      1. Section 1: A - Easy Task (to be delivered in 30 minutes) (50 point)

      2. Section 2: A+ - Medium Task (to be delivered in 45 minutes) (30 Point)

      3. Section 3: A++ - Difficult Task (to be delivered in 1 hour) (20 Point)

    2. 100 Point

On spot tasks

Easy Task

In the first phase of the coding challenge, teams will be presented with an easy task that needs to be completed within a time limit of 30 minutes. This task is designed to assess the team's ability to solve a moderately challenging problem efficiently and effectively. The objective is to test their fundamental coding skills and problem-solving capabilities within a constrained timeframe. The easy task may involve implementing a specific algorithm, solving a mathematical problem, or writing a piece of code to address a given scenario. The teams will be expected to use their programming knowledge and logical reasoning to come up with an accurate and optimized solution. Attention to detail, code readability, and adherence to coding best practices will also be evaluated.

Medium Task

Moving on to the second phase, teams will face a medium task that requires a slightly higher level of complexity and problem-solving skills compared to the previous phase. The time limit for this task is extended to 45 minutes, allowing teams to tackle a more intricate challenge. The medium task will test the team's ability to handle more complex algorithms, data structures, or programming concepts. It may involve tasks such as implementing a sorting algorithm, designing a database schema, or creating a more sophisticated program with multiple functionalities. The teams will need to demonstrate their ability to analyze the problem, devise an efficient solution, and implement it correctly within the given timeframe

Difficult Task

In the final phase, teams will encounter a difficult task that pushes their coding skills to the limit. This task is intended to challenge their problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and familiarity with advanced programming concepts. Teams will have a time limit of 1 hour to complete this task. The difficult task may involve complex algorithmic problems, intricate data manipulations, or advanced system design challenges. It will require teams to think creatively, develop robust solutions, and handle potential edge cases. The evaluation will focus on the team's ability to tackle complex problems, write efficient code, and demonstrate strong understanding of advanced programming concepts.


Throughout all phases of the coding challenge, teams will be assessed based on factors such as code correctness, efficiency, scalability, readability, and adherence to coding standards. The ability to work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and manage time efficiently will also be considered. The goal is to identify teams that exhibit strong problem-solving skills, technical expertise, and the ability to deliver high-quality solutions within specified time constraints.

QA box

جزء ال GitHub اتحدد ولا لسه .. يعنى repo واحد ولا لكل تيم ال github الخاص بيه ؟

اتحدد بالفعل و هيتم الاعلان عنه فى أقرب وقت. كل سنتر هيعمل repo خاصة بيه و لكن لازم تلتزم بحبه معايير هنذكرها فالملف الي هينزل

هل فيه screen size معين نشتغل عليه ؟ ولا متاح اى size ؟

مفيش اي screen size معين و لكن لازم يتم ذكر الsize الي التيم ييشتغل عليه

هل الولاد هتدخل تحكيم على يومين اللى هوا 8-9 March ولا يوم واحد

time line بتاع المسابقة لسة متمش إعلانه

هل فى examples questions for on spot tasks ؟

في examples هتنزل في أقرب وقت

. ال GDD هيتبعت 8/1 بردو ولا امتى ؟

هيتبعت 8/1باذن الله

هل فى جروب لل coaches بحيث نتابع لو فى اى update للمسابقه؟

هيتم عمل جروب بإذن الله عشان يكون في community للكوتشس

هل فى جروب لل coaches بحيث نتابع لو فى اى update للمسابقه؟

هيتم عمل جروب بإذن الله عشان يكون في community للكوتشس

GDD فايل والاسئلة المقرر أنها تتبعت يوم ٨ يناير ؟! هتتبعت امتي ؟!

حصل تاخير في اعلان ثيم المسابقة و هيتم الاعلان عنه يوم 15/1 الساعة 12 بإذن الله و بالنسبة لل تيمبلت هيتبعت علي الجروب يوم16/1

لو سمحت انا كنت عايزة اعرف ال theme امتى لان كان معاده ٨ /١ و منزلش لحد دلوقتى؟

حصل تاخير في اعلان ثيم المسابقة و هيتم الاعلان عنه يوم 15/1 الساعة 12 بإذن الله

Genral Rules

  1. The team may consist of up-to 5 team members
  2. Participants will try to market and sell their games, the game with the best marketing plan, strategy, and user experience will win the championship
  3. Participants will be evaluated on many aspects and can win several prizes depending on their performance ( best game design, best programming, best strategy, bestidea, best marketing plan, best user experience, judging award, and most voted)
  4. Commercial Video: (2-3 minutes)
    1. This video should shows the graphics of the game with voice over of the participants creativlly explaining their game (the video will be posted on the competition’s social media channels for voting, which will give the team bonus points)
    1. Movie maker isthe suggested software, due to itssimplicity for the participants
    2. Adult help is accepted as long asthe majority of the work is done by the participants
  5. GDD (Game design document): A template will be sent, participants can either edit it or design their own GDD with the same required data
  6. The delivered game MUST be the same one presented in the competition day

Ask Us

feel free to ask

Team Members

Dina Nagdy

Chairman of the organizing committee

Abdelwahab Adam

Chairman of the arbitration committee

Esraa bahaa

Chairman of the logistic committee

Mohamed hossam

Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee